March 1

3 Tips To Improve Your Healthcare Value Analysis Software Application


Hopefully every healthcare value analysis practitioner realizes that having a value analysis software application is a powerful cost management tool to have in your toolbox. Yet, we have observed that by applying these three tips you can further improve your value analysis software application as follows:

1. Don’t Have Your Physicians Complete Their New Product Requests: We see too many instances where physicians become frustrated when attempting to complete a new product request form online. Therefore, we recommend that you allow your vendors or supply chain personnel to complete it for them.

2. Don’t Make Your Online Product Request Form Too Long or Complicated: We know that it is desirable to have every question answered (e.g., reimbursement, lifecycle costs, warranty, etc.) about a new product request, yet there is a point where it becomes counterproductive. A better way to obtain the most pertinent data that is absolutely, positively required is to show an asterisk* where vital information is required. Your software would then reject any request without this information being provided. All other information would be considered nice to have. This way you don’t burden your requesters with obtaining information that may never be used in your value analysis study.

3. Make Sure Your Value Analysis Software Is Customizable: We see hospitals, systems, and IDNs performing inconvenient workarounds because their software isn’t customizable, thus wasting hundreds of hours annually by doing so. So, don’t be satisfied with a one-size-fits-all solution. Make sure your healthcare value analysis software conforms to your exact requirements.

To be most effective, your value analysis software needs to be supplemented with policies, procedures, and modifications, such as those above, that fit your healthcare organization’s culture, workflow, and financial requirements. To accept less is to inconvenience your department heads, managers, or value analysis staff with tasks, chores, and workarounds that only make their job harder, not easier!

P.S. If you are interested in test driving our CliniTrackâ„¢ Value Analysis software, that is technology that is designed to work for you, just email us at [email protected].

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healthcare supply chain, Healthcare Value Analysis, healthcare value analysis software, hospital supply chain, Hospital Value Analysis, value analysis, value analysis software

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