January 24

Select Your Hospital Value Analysis Team Members To Ensure Success


Are you selecting your hospital value analysis team leaders and members by chance, by their title, or by their influence in your organization? If you are, as most hospitals, systems, and IDNs have been doing for years, then you are missing an opportunity to have the most motivated, disciplined, and creative people on your value analysis teams.

We learned this fact many years ago when we started to help our clients form, organize, and train their new or refined hospital value analysis teams. We, like you, were selecting value analysis leaders and members by their title (director of operating room, infection control manager, emergency room managers, etc.) or their influence in the organization (director of nursing, laboratory manager, controller, etc.) only to find that 97% of the time these people were a poor fit for value analysis work. In essence, we were making our selection by chance or happenstance hoping that these individuals would be ideal candidates for this highly specialized work.

We realized, through observation of the most successful hospital value analysis team leaders and members, that there were certain attributes that were absolutely required to become outstanding value analysis team leaders and members. Team leaders should be motivated, organized, team builders, results oriented, etc. Team members should be organized, analytical thinkers, reliable, dependable, enthusiastic, etc.

No more guessing! We now had the success formula for selecting value analysis team leaders and members. We have replicated this formula hundreds of times and it has proven to be reliable, dependable, and almost foolproof. Think about it for a moment. Would you select the best employee for a special project based on their title or because of their unique characteristics, attributes, and traits to get the work done right the first time? Don’t you think that your value analysis team leaders and members should be selected in the same scientific and thoughtful way – not by chance?

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Healthcare Value Analysis, Hospital Value Analysis, value analysis, value analysis team, value analysis team leaders, value analysis team members, value analysis teams

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