February 21

Podcast 53 – 3 Ways to Plug Your Leaky Savings Bucket


Imagine a bucket filled with a dozen holes. Now, imagine trying to keep that bucket full of water by adding more water to the bucket. Guess what. The holes continue to leak water, creating a vicious cycle that can go on forever. Now, change the word “water” in this sentence to “savings” and you can see how your healthcare organization could be losing millions of dollars annually in wasteful and inefficient consumption, misuse, misapplication, and value mismatches in your supply streams*. To stop this vicious cycle, here are three ways to plug your leaky savings bucket so you don’t lose any saving in the future:



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best practices, bottom line, healthcare, hospital, Leaky Bucket, savings, supply chain, supply streams, supply value chain, utilization, utilization management, value analysis

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