June 21

Healthcare Value Analysis Software Mistakes That Can Be Costly


Now that the value analysis community has embraced value analysis software (VAS) as a best practice, more hospitals, systems, and IDNs are acquiring this easy to master technology. However, for those value analysis practitioners contemplating purchasing value analysis software in the future, here are some of the top mistakes to avoid that can be costly when deciding on your own VA software:

1. Not Defining Your Minimum Requirements. The first thing you need to do before you shop for a value analysis software vendor is to define your VAS requirements. This doesn’t mean you can’t change your requirements after reviewing VAS vendor offerings. It just means that it is a good starting point to eliminate VAS vendors who don’t meet your minimum requirements on your first pass.

2. Fixation On Shiny Objects. There is value analysis software in the marketplace that is shiny, glitzy, and pretty, but does it meet your exact requirements? This should be your fixation when reviewing VAS vendors’ functions and features, not getting blinded by shiny objects. Ask good questions when you see a flashy module or feature. How often will you use each of the modules, if at all? You will be surprised with the difference between the features and benefits in a demo of a system as opposed to the real life workflow use.

3. Buying Software That Isn’t Customizable. With few exceptions, your value analysis current workflow will be different from the VAS vendor offerings you will be reviewing. Therefore, don’t compromise your unique VA processes for off-the-shelf software that will require you to have workarounds. Make sure your VAS vendor will customize your VA software at no extra cost to you.

4. Overspending on Functions and Features You Don’t Need. Make sure you aren’t paying for functions and features you will never use. Over the years, we have helped our clients to reduce their software cost on functions and features they will never use, even though the vendor left the functions and features untouched in their software. The lesson here is – don’t pay for what you don’t need.

5. Don’t Forget To Look At Your Future Requirements. When you are defining your current requirements, don’t forget to spec out your future requirements to avoid buying value analysis software that isn’t upgradable or becomes obsolete over time.

6. Assuming You Know What Is Best For Your VA Team(s). Unless you are the only one to utilize your VAS, don’t forget to obtain input from your VA team(s). Your VA team leaders and members will frequently have a different perspective on what your VAS requirements should be in the short and long term.

As more hospitals, systems, and IDNs are purchasing value analysis software, it is important to understand the mistakes others have made on these VAS purchases so you can avoid them. To quote Bram Stoker, “We learn from failure, not from success,” so the best wisdom is to learn from others that are on the same journey as you.

P.S. If you would like a “test drive” of our CliniTrack™ Value Analysis Workflow Software to see what we are talking about in this article, just email us at [email protected]

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