December 3

5 Important Things for Hospital Value Analysis and Supply Chain Professionals to Think About as We Roll Into 2025


I am a big believer in taking a step back from the supply chain/value analysis pressure cooker and really understanding where you are and where you need to go in order to make your job better and easier to manage, and to bring even more savings and quality results in the process. Let’s face it, if you are just caught in a rut doing the same things repeatedly then you are going to look at your supply chain/value analysis job as more of a grind than a meaningful career.

Below are some quick yet very important questions for you to ask yourself to end 2024 and enter into 2025.

Things to Think About as a Hospital Value Analysis or Supply Chain Professional Moving Into the New Year

1. Have You Looked at Your Goals and Objectives Lately? Hopefully you have typed up or written down your goals and objectives for 2024 and you can now look at how you are doing with meeting or exceeding those goals. If you haven’t written down your goals for 2024, then I urge you to go ahead and write up your goals and objectives for 2025, not only for you but for your team and perhaps department.

2. What is Working and What is Not Working? Every team tries new software, methods, strategies, forms, etc. each year. Some things work well, and some do not. This is a great time to identify those new or old things that are no longer congruent with your supply chain and/or value analysis workflow and do what needs to be done to either eliminate them or get them working optimally. Most don’t do this and just stay with the tried and true, dealing with the same old same old, which you don’t need to do today.

3. Who are Your Superstars and Where Can You Find More of Them? You know who your Superstars are as far as supply chain or value analysis team members. You want to get rid of the team members that never show up and don’t participate or even care about the VA team (you can tell they don’t care). What you want more of is the Superstars who are always jumping in and adding feedback, helping guide a project or new product evaluation, or more. Remember, we don’t need unproductive team members that are sitting on our VA team just to cover the “political base” or have coverage over a department. Those days are gone. You want the smartest and most productive team you can possibly get, and just like the coach of a great team, you must make changes and adjustments all the time.

4. What Can You and Your Team Do Better? Most teams don’t take this step back and decide what they could do better at all. Some teams just like staying in their rut and never changing but that doesn’t do anything to make your value analysis program better. Look to new areas that most value analysis teams don’t do, like clinical supply utilization, benchmarking supply categories, retrospective VA reviews, and alike. There is so much more that teams could be doing, and it doesn’t take a whole lot of time or effort to add these things to your program.

5. What is Your Why? We all have a reason beyond just getting paid and the benefits for being in the healthcare supply chain and value analysis world. My why is simple, I like to assist clients in finding and implementing those hard-to-get savings opportunities that nobody would believe are there or could be obtained. Plus, it is important for me to not just point my clients in the right direction, but to educate and coach them through the process so that when the technology transfer occurs, it becomes theirs.

What is Your Why In Value Analysis/Supply Chain?

What is your why? Why do you do what you do? Is this the right way for you? Is it congruent with your goals and objectives? Just asking these questions will spur your answers and propel you to a whole new successful future.

Below are some similar articles that you may find interesting.

Healthcare Supply Chain Management: Expanding Savings Opportunities and Calculated Risks

Four Unexpected Positive Results When You Have a Clinical Supply Utilization Management Program

8 Important Questions You Should Be Asking When You Analyze New Product Requests in 2025 and Beyond

Request Demo of SVAH’s Value Analysis and Utilization Tools


benchmarking, clinical supply utilization, healthcare supply chain, Healthcare Value Analysis, hospital supply chain, Hospital Value Analysis, supply utilization management, value analysis goals, value analysis team

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