Savings Xccelerator™ is the Next Generation of Major Savings Opportunities Beyond Price and Contracting that are Dramatically Affecting Your Organization's Bottom Line
Straightforward — Simple to Use — Highly Effective — Low Cost
“Contracting and pricing strategies can only do so much. At some point, these products are in the hands of the customers and that is where the next major savings are going to come from by fine tuning your existing contracts, eliminating waste, misuse, inefficiencies, and feature rich products.”
Robert T. Yokl, CEO & Chief Value Strategist for SVAH Solutions

The Ultimate Goal for Every Supply Chain Organization is Cost Optimization within Your Own Contracting Portfolio/Formulary

There is a fundamental truth to the healthcare supply chain that nobody likes to acknowledge and that is that no matter how good your pricing/contracting is, there are still going to be areas in which your clinicians and non-clinicians are over-consuming the products you procure for them. This is not a function of inventory as the goal of inventory is to keep the lowest volume of product on the shelves without running out. You could be maintaining the best inventory levels but still over-consuming or even wasting products in your organization.
SVAH Solutions has been utilizing a simple yet highly effective reporting system that has left no question that these savings opportunities are real. We provide proof in a format that cannot be ignored or talked away like most savings opportunities when found. Though the majority of the consumption overspend areas are happening, it has nothing to do with the Supply Chain Department other than they are best equipped to assist in mitigating the cost overruns. Supply Chain and Value Analysis Professionals know what to do and how to handle the savings mitigation but they need to know where, why, and how much savings is on the table so that they can invest their limited time most effectively to garner the major savings every time.
Savings Xccelerator™ Helps You Control Your Faucet!

- See the Savings Opportunities that are Not Visible Now
- Gives You Fast and Easy to Understand Proof that Critical Consumption Habits Require Changes
- Allows You to Proactively Address Consumption and Waste in a Progressive Value Analysis Approach
- Strategically Select the Most Important Savings Opportunities to Address
- See Your True Savings Results After Your Consumption or Waste Changes Have Been Implemented
Are You Ready to Find Out How Much Savings Beyond Price is Available to Your Health System?