Everything You and Your Value Analysis Team Members Need to Speed Up, Simplify, and Streamline Your Value Analysis Program to Dramatically Improve Outcomes and Sustain Savings Results

A breakthrough approach from SVAH Solutions that combines all of the latest value analysis strategies, tactics, and techniques into a dynamic and customized value-added approach to improve your value analysis program's quality and savings results.

Every Value Analysis Program is Different! Why Not Do It Your Way?

Every hospital, system, and IDN handles value analysis in a different way than the other. This uniqueness is what defines their success. Realizing that canned value analysis tools, training, and software may not exactly fit the value analysis model of your healthcare organization due to its level of maturity, success, and culture, we believe we have a better idea. In order for value analysis programs to improve they must strategically select the next level of program elements to add to existing value analysis systems. To start from scratch on advanced level modules and/or elements can be a daunting task and can consume an enormous amount of time and resources. Why not adopt advanced elements, tools, training, and software, then customize them and plug them into your own value analysis program for immediate success and results.
SVAH has developed a custom menu of advanced resources, tools, and software that can fast track the next level of quality and savings results for your organization-wide value analysis programs. This gives you a decided advantage to generic value analysis programs because you can pick and choose the right add-on resources at the right time for the exact needs of the organization.
By having a solutions menu to choose from, from a national leader in value analysis, healthcare organizations don't have to reinvent the wheel in areas to up their value analysis game. Just think! You could have controlled rapid improvement in your value analysis program, now just a click away with SVAH's Value Analysis Advantage System.
Robert W. Yokl, Sr. VP, SVAH Solutions
Bring Your Value Analysis Discussions to Life with Good Data, Ongoing Support, and Quality Recommendations

“We like the idea of having it our way!”
“We discovered that it could cost a fortune and take months to start from scratch to develop our own value analysis software, training, and tools. That’s why we embraced SVAH’s modular concept. It gave us what we wanted to upgrade our VA program on time and within our budget.”
"The Value Analysis Advantage System has made my Job much easier with better results.”
“My former evaluation/VA approval process had too many glitches, duplications, and missed steps. I didn't even know if the savings were really happening over the long term. VA Advantage System fixed these problems."
16 Reasons Why Healthcare Organizations Choose SVAH Solutions for Their Value Analysis Tools, Training, and Software

Strategically Design Your Value Analysis Program for Better Results Now and in the Future
Is your value analysis program strategically aligned to make this great leap forward?

A 30-Minute FREE Walk Through Could Make Your Value Analysis Program More Successful
Sign up for a FREE walk through to help you redesign your current value analysis program with modular software, training, and tools.
Your FREE no-obligation walk through will consist of a review of the following value analysis operational areas:
Software, Teams, Training, Process, Absenteeism, Savings Goals, Reports, Problems, Outcomes, Opportunities
The end result of this consultation will be a written critique of your current value analysis program along with recommendations for improvement.
Contact SVAH below for a no-cost, no-obligation walk through.