Why Invest in Pre-Set Solutions and Programs for Supply Chain Savings and Utilization Management?

Giving You the Upper Hand in the New Supply/Value Chain Challenges
New Fuel for Next Generation of Supply Chain Savings Beyond Price
VA Teams are only as good as the products and services that they evaluate on their agendas.
With our 33 years of experience, SVAH understands the challenges you face with your supply chain and value analysis initiatives. Our mission is to assist you in meeting your goals on every level, from quality reporting to savings beyond price.

The Right Tools Make All the Difference
- Determine where ALL of Your Savings Opportunities Are
- Determine the IMPACT on Your Bottom Line
- Assist You to Set Your Best Courses of ACTION to Drive Out These Savings
- Align with Your Cost and Quality GOALS/OBJECTIVES
- FUEL Your Value Analysis Team with Quality Evidence
- Cover all of Your Bases in Value Based Care with Proactive and Reactive Tools
- Tools That Allow You to Quickly Mitigate Product Risks
- Establish Better Controls and Monitoring Systems that Enhance Your Internal Savings Systems
- IMPROVE Quality and Outcomes
- SUSTAIN Your Savings Over the Long Term

More Time | Faster ROI | Less Work | Proven Results
Let’s face it, reducing supply chain expenditures beyond price initiatives is a VERY difficult challenge for supply chain managers and executives. The money is hidden from your view and it's not going to readily present itself.
Remember, costs (utilization and value mismatches) are always our enemy, we must always be on the attack. We must always seek out new and innovative methods to UNCOVER and drive out these unwanted and unnecessary expenditures before they seriously damage our bottom line.
Have Supply Chain Savings Run Their Course or Are There Still More Robust Savings Opportunities?

A question I am often asked by supply chain professionals throughout our healthcare industry is, "Are there still big savings to be achieved in the healthcare supply chain?" This is a great question given the maturity of our price and standardization strategies such as group purchasing and value analysis teaming. However, there is a new area that has been left virtually untouched in our hospitals and health systems' supply chains, and that is Utilization Management.
Today, we rely on our GPOs and value analysis teams to provide solid contracts and vet the new contracted products for cost savings and quality improvement. But what happens beyond the process when we release these products to our customers, clinical and non-clinical, who then use these products, services, and technologies in their real-life environments?
- Wasteful habits form (WASTE)
- Unforeseen over-consumption occurs (OVER-USE)
- Products are used by the wrong customers (OVER-USE)
- Staff stray from policies and procedures (WASTE)
- Vendors upsell their contracted product lines (UNNECESSARY FEATURES)
This list could be endless, and the bottom line is that every one of these areas can dramatically affect the cost of your products, services, and technologies regardless of whether you have the best price.
EXAMPLE – Validated best price on exam gloves – $0.03854 will reduce costs by 12% overall from $236K annually by $28K in price and standardization savings. But, new gloves resulted in waste and staff overuse, which drove consumption levels up by 22% negating the price advantage and resulting in a 10% overspend which continued to grow because the hospital did not have a utilization system to alert them to this issue.
In the example above, the hospital reported $28K in savings but due to issues with utilization had ended up losing an additional 10% or 22% in overall waste and overuse. This is happening with many of your products, but you don't see this occurring because you don't have a system in place to alert you that this is happening – until today.
Utilizer Dashboard is our premier software/service program that will allow you to save beyond price and capture all of your supply and purchased services savings opportunities. Imagine when your boss comes looking for big savings and you can not only tell him how much but exactly where to expect the savings can be achieved year in and year out.
Robert T. Yokl, CEO and Chief Value Strategist, SVAH Solutions
What Makes Utilizer® and Our Approach So Different?
You may be able to generate total spend reports from your spend manager or purchasing system, but you will quickly be overridden by department heads and managers who will tell you things like, "Our patient days were higher, our acuity was greater, we had unique cases in the OR," etc. This will not happen with the Utilizer as we incorporate our unique process for bringing your big data together with key performance indicators to report true utilization costs that cannot be disputed by your customers and stakeholders, thus giving you a huge advantage that you have never had before.
Our Performance Guarantee
All offers come with our 3:1 Return on Investment GUARANTEE that gives you peace of mind that you not only will be uncovering big savings in your supply chain but also at least a 300% return on the dollars you invest, or it costs you nothing!