July 8

Sherlock Holmes Knew How to Be a Great Hospital Value Analysis Strategist


If you want to be a great hospital value analysis strategist (essential to succeeding as a value analysis practitioner) you must be just like Sherlock Holmes, the legendary consulting detective in Arthur Conan Doyle’s books.

Holmes was perceptive, analytical, and persistent! He never gave up on a case, even if it took him years to solve the mystery or crime. His most powerful tool was questions and then some more questions until he got to the truth. He would spend hours at the scene of a crime and at his forensic lab analyzing fibers, clothing, and even cigar ashes to come up with clues that would lead him to the criminal who perpetrated the crime. He left nothing to chance or happenstance; his consulting practice was always 100% evidenced-based.

Hospital Value Analysis Super Sleuths

These attributes are not only the stock and trade of a great detective like Holmes, but are a prerequisite for a healthcare value analysis practitioner. These value analysis super sleuths employ their analytical and questioning skills to uncover why a product, service, or technology has been classified as a utilization misalignment.

They question clinicians, managers, or department heads on how they are utilizing the product, service, or technology. They visit the scene of the transgression and then observe how the product, service, or technology is being used by caregivers and/or hospital staff to determine why their cost or quality is out of line with their peers.

Adhere to Evidence-Based Practices

They search and adhere to evidence-based practices before adding any new product, service, or technology to their hospital’s formulary. No department head or manager would dare request a new commodity without first providing data to support their case that it will reduce cost or improve quality by a substantial amount. No free cards here!

In principle and practice, a hospital value analysis practitioner is a consulting detective just like Holmes for their hospital, system, or IDN. They therefore ensure that all product, service, and technology purchases are appropriate for their intended use and are utilized efficiently and effectively after they are bought. That’s what being a great value analysis strategist is all about! 

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Healthcare Value Analysis, Hospital Value Analysis, utilization, value analysis

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