July 19

Organizing for Efficiency of Your Hospital’s Supply Chain Expense Management


We have a saying around our firm that goes something like this, “You must be organized to save big.” In fact, efficiently saving money needs to become a habit if you want to make good hospital supply chain organizations even better. It means taming the “paperwork tiger,” systematizing what you are doing, and controlling your savings gains to ensure that they stick.

We can say this with confidence since this is how we do business every day. We deal with billions of bits of data coming into our office from clients that expect us to deliver their Dashboard value analysis analytics within 15 days of receiving all of their data. This chore couldn’t be accomplished without us being organized to save.

The Power of Technology in Hospital Supply Chain Expense Management

Our philosophy that “you must be organized to save big” came about after observing how hundreds of hospitals, systems, and IDNs save money. The biggest flaw that we have seen is that these healthcare organizations aren’t systematically attacking their biggest savings opportunities utilizing the power of technology to do so.

Just the other day, a Dashboard client of ours remarked that he couldn’t believe that a competing hospital, which he had visited recently, had six employees doing the same value analysis analytical work that he does with our system with no full-time equivalents. He thought it was a big waste of time and people power for this hospital to try to do semi-manually what could be done systematically and automatically if they had the right power tools to become even more efficient and effective.

Save the Easy Way or the Hard Way

The point here is that there is an easy way and a hard way to make organizing to save a habit. The easy way is to automate all of your savings with power tools that systematically ferret out and then help you to accelerate the implementation and tracking of those savings. The hard way is to continue to employ semi-manual tools that just keep you from becoming more efficient in organizing your hospital’s supply chain expense management chores. It’s your choice, the easy way or the hard way!

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healthcare supply chain, Healthcare Value Analysis, hospital supply chain, hospital supply expense management, Hospital Value Analysis, supply chain, supply chain expense management

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