Tap Into Over 30+ Years of Successful Value Analysis Training, Coaching and Facilitation Expertise
VA Leader Training
Fast track your knowledge and experience with a proven system to gain the upper hand on your challenging value analysis initiatives.
On Demand Training
Learn at your own pace but still get all the advantages of 30+ years of healthcare value analysis expertise. Select from over 25 on demand programs.
Strategic Planning
With trainer guided and user guided programs available, learn the valuable art of value analysis strategic planning to fuel your value analysis success for the next 3-5 years.
Clinical Supply Utilization
The most important aspect of value analysis that is becoming clear is the need to address clinical supply utilization. Learn how you can integrate clinical supply utilization into your value analysis program today.
Value Analysis Team Training
To ensure that your value analysis program is moving forward each and every year, it is imperative that you provide training for the new skills and objectives that you expect from your value analysis team members.
Customized Training Programs
Have a specific training program envisioned in your mind? Let SVAH provide all the necessary customized value analysis training for your value analysis teams via in-person, webinar, or on demand.
Why is Value Analysis Training More Important Than Ever Before?
It’s a fact, value analysis is not as easy as it looks. Once you have formed your team structure and built your agendas, you then have to deal with the reality of finding savings and quality improvements with clinicians, department heads, and managers who don’t want to change. How does a new or even an experienced value analysis professional gain the buy-in to their customers and stakeholders to find the right products that meet their requirements at a lower cost with equal quality, plus have them accept the process and work with you throughout to gain the big picture goals your management now expects?
The answer to this question is to have training in the areas that you need the most help in. From a dollars and cents standpoint, every department has a training budget and if you are spinning your wheels on a $230K annual savings opportunity because you need a higher level of knowledge or a better system, then it makes sense to pay a few dollars for training to get you where you or your team needs to be. It’s time to take you and your value analysis teams to a whole new level:
- Learn to work smarter, faster, and with less effort to meet your value analysis goals and objectives
- Gain buy-in at all levels of your organization to how you do business
- Learn and use the best systems that fast track savings and quality improvements every time
- Learn ways to perform value analysis even if you are not a clinician or if you are a clinician and you are working in a non-clinical area
- Learn the most advanced strategies in value analysis today and how they can be integrated into everything you do
Call us today at 1-610-327-4820 or email [email protected]
Talk to a SVAH Solutions Trainer today to discover the best fit for your budget and your training goals and objectives.