March 10

The Best Advice We Can Give You for Your Healthcare Supply Chain Career


How many of you know what your healthcare organization’s survival strategy is for the next decade? Is it to have its own insurance company, build more freestanding clinics, develop a cancer center of excellence, buy more physician practices, or merger with a larger healthcare organization?

Questions that Need to Be Answered

For your own professional and personal development, you need the answers to these questions. Otherwise, how are you to plan to align your supply chain with your C-Suite’s survival strategy? Your alignment with your C-Suite’s goals and objectives is mission critical; you don’t want to row in one direction while your C-Suite is rowing in another direction. It could be catastrophic to do so.

Linking Supply Chain with Finance

To help you boost your operational excellence, productivity, and savings results it is important to link up with your finance department. Specifically, if you aren’t reporting directly to your CFO, you should be partnering with him or her to obtain these same results. From our experience, no other C-Suite member can relate to your challenges more than your CFO since they experience the same frustrations as you do. Just as important, they have the power to help you get things done that you alone will find impossible to do.

Supply Chain Savings Is Still Your #1 Job

Even though your healthcare organization must look ahead as much as a decade to plan for their ultimate survival, they still need to survive today, tomorrow, and next year. This can only happen with additional supply chain savings, since most of your healthcare organization’s labor savings have been pruned and your revenues are being squeezed tight. 

Supply Utilization Savings Is Still Your Best Bet

If you are looking for even more savings than price or standardization can achieve for you, your supply utilization savings is still your best bet. We have clients who have 82% of their new savings coming from utilization, not from price or standardization. Just remember this fact when your price and standardization savings runs dry. It could be your own survival strategy!


healthcare, healthcare organization, savings, standardization, supply chain, supply utilization, utilization

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